3 Common Mistake People Make when Setting a New Year's Resolution

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Did you know that only 7 to 12% of the people who make new year's resolutions actually achieve their goals? I am dedicated to your success so in that light here are 3 common mistakes that people make when they make a New Year's Resolution.

This is Ron from Workhorse Gym and the whole new year's resolution thing is exactly what motivated me to get into the fitness business all those years ago. No, I didn't make a resolution. I saw all those people failing to make the progress they wanted and it inspired me to step up and put my experience to work. To help everyone who wants to succeed. If you want to know more about that go to workhorse gym dot com and see my origin story video. 

Now let's get to it!

Mistake #1

 People set unrealistic goals or they set too many goals at once. Like “I am going to workout every day and stop eating all processed foods” If they are going from no or little exercise and eating the Standard American Diet then they will probably make it till February at most. Instead set S.M.A.R.T. Goals. Smart stands for Specific , Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timely.

If you want to know more about Smart goals comment below and I will send you my smart goal worksheet. 

Mistake #2

They want to change something they feel bad or guilty about. For Example: “I’m not as fit as I used to be” or “I hate the way I look”

So what happens? Cue the starvation diet and obsessive exercising to attempt to reach their goal. They beat themselves up, and try to suffer their way to success.


The problem: Doing things because we feel we ought to out of guilt or shame is likely to lead to procrastination and hating every second of it and falling off the wagon. It only works in the short term and can lead to some unhealthy behavior. 

Instead of making a  goal to be disciplined again, do something that is fun or make it a competition with yourself. 

Mistake # 3

They frame their goals as something to avoid. For example: “I am not going to eat donuts anymore”

The problem: When you try to avoid something that’s all you can think about and it requires double the discipline and let me tell you discipline is a myth for most of us. 

The answer is “I don’t vs I can’t” I just made a video about this simple mind set shift look in the comments for a link. Simply changing how you frame things to yourself puts you back in control and removes discipline from the equation. 

There you have it. These are the 3 most common mistakes I see when it comes to goal setting and New Year’s Resolutions.

I have a few resources that can help you set and achieve your New Year’s Resolution goals. If you would like them just drop me a hand raise gif in the comments and I will send them to you. 

If you know someone this video could help please tag them and send it to them . Do you plan to set a New Year's Resolution? Tell me what it is in the comments.

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