That’s what she said to me at the end of a conversation about what I’m doing these days. It made me blink. I’d never heard that before. No one had ever congratulated me on living my dream, especially when I’m feeling like a running back on a football team trying to move the ball down the field, hung like a Christmas tree with opponents, but still creeping forward one. more. yard.
So it stuck with me. I mulled it over in the back of my mind as I struggled to get caught up on dishes, laundry, and learning new things about Internet marketing and leadership. It came to mind as I was coaching my strength clients at the gym – our gym, the one we own and operate, the one that is steadily becoming the sort of place we dreamed of, in environment and spirit, if not yet in the building that we have envisioned.
It also came to mind as I buttoned up the jeans that I couldn’t squeeze into a year ago. No, I’m not yet to the size I want to be in, but I am on the path and it is a clear, steady one. I have no more worries about blood pressure or blood sugar. No concern for my thinning hair, because it is thicker than it has ever been. I am healthier and stronger than I have been in decades. I am living my dream, because dreams are not destinations.
I am living my dream, because dreams are not destinations.
Enough of my children are grown up to show me that I have taught them to dream and plan and execute. I still teach that, even to my adult children, but mostly to my teens. My tween is just getting started on these lessons, and I am loving our conversations – our dreaming sessions.
We don’t waste our time on wishes in our home; instead we dream.
We don’t waste our time on wishes in our home; instead we dream. We envision different futures. We investigate how to get to those futures with a clear understanding of our own strengths, weaknesses, fears, and bravery. And then we plan and take action.
In football, each play begins with a huddle. Pursuing our dream life requires regular huddles – moments where the whole field is in view: we can see where we have come from and where we are headed. We can see the obstacles before us, and are reminded (by the quarter back, in football, by our planner in life) of the next step toward making it to the end zone.
The key, I am coming to realize, is in recognizing in these moments of reflection and planning, that we really are living our dream.
I think that when we are in the middle of a play, working hard, it’s easy to forget that we are living our dream. Obstacles stand in our way; hard work and set-backs drag at our ankles. Like that running back, we are moving the ball of our dreams down the field toward our goals. It is so hard to see how that single yard we made on the play has added to the progress made on earlier plays. But sometimes – however rarely – we break free of all the barriers and run like the wind with the goal in plain view.
It’s hard to beat a person who never gives up.
Babe Ruth
How about you? Are you living your dream? What would you most like to change? Leave me some comments, show some love <3